

Filling and flavourful salad meals. The two sisters don’t follow trendy diets such as keto, paleo and so on. Instead, they follow common nutritional guidelines – where the greens are supposed to fill you up rather than animal proteins.


Chopped offers salat meals that are filling. The menu follows available ingredients throughout the four seasons – there is always a dish for vegetarians, meat eaters, vegans and anything in between.


SUMMER SALAD from Chopped is the essence of what the two sisters Maria and Anne feel that a salad should do. It should be “magical”. It should have a theme. With new Danish potatoes, homemade dill pesto, Danish strawberries and cream from peas. It has all the elements that remind you of Danish summer and long summer nights. The other seasons of the year present a new theme and new ingredients.


Besides the green salads, Chopped also serve up a variety of soups and tasty grilled sourdough sandwiches with ham and red onion.

Dreaming of your own food stall?

Are you a fierce cook dreaming of running your own business? Then a food stall at Storms Pakhus might be just right for you. As part of Storms Pakhus, you can look forward to busy days where guests will relish in your street food while enjoying the amazing atmosphere.